10 Thoughts


Here are ten random thoughts


01. Despite the hype I’m not into the World Cup. But, I am started to jones for the NFL.

02. There is a series on Netflix called, “Boss“, which stars Kelsey Grammer and Sanaa Lathan. I enjoyed it.

03. I’m growing tired of viral videos. I think half of them are staged anyway.

04. I’ve been eating a lot of yogurt and wheat germ lately.

05. I need a vacation. A few days at an uncrowded beach sounds good.

07. I’m going to read a lot this summer. There are a few memoirs I want to read.

08. The media seems to have forgotten about the missing girls in Nigeria.

09. Skylar Diggins is averaging a little over 20 points a game and had a career high 33 points this past weekend. I knew she was going to breakout in her second year. Go, Sky!

10. I just bought a dwarf lemon tree. I’ll let you know how it does.



What’s on your mind?



5 thoughts on “10 Thoughts

  1. 01. I couldn’t possibly care less either. I have yet to even see it on anything other than ESPN in highlights.

    02. Sanaa Lathan is a cutie, but I’ve never seen the series.

    03. Some of them are funny and others are cute. It’s clear to me though that the object of these always seem to be getting attention.

    04. I like yogurt, I’ve been eating it for years.

    05. I live about 10 miles from the Atlantic and there is most certainly a beach there, but I so rarely go.

    06. I guess there is no joy of six huh?!?

    07. I read an awful lot.

    08. The media’s attention is forever focused on someone’s blonde haired daughter. Where’s Nancy Grace when you need her?!?

    09. Skylar Diggins is gorgeous, I’m still waiting for the sex tape to come out. Go, Sky!

    10. I like plants. My grandfather was a farmer. I have plants that I’ve had for twenty years and they’re still going strong.

    • 2 -This was the first time I have seen Sanaa in anything in years. It’s a really good series set in Chicago. Kelsey Grammer plays a crooked mayor.

      5 – You don’t like the beach?

      6 – Six took a nap. 🙂

      8 – True. I think TVOne had a show about missing Black folks. So that’s some progress.

      9 – Nope, not going to happen.

      10 – Wow, twenty years is a long time for plants. What’s your secret?

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